Friday, May 31, 2013

Historic Ships, Inner Harbor; Baltimore, MD

After putting it off for some time, I finally did the historic ship tour located at the Inner Harbor of Baltimore, Maryland. Opting to tour three of the four ships.

The ships on my tour included the USS Constellation, a U.S. Navy sloop-of-war built in the mid-1800s that saw action in the United States Civil War, engaged in slave ship interdiction, commerce protection, and served as a training vessel; the US submarine Torsk, which served during World War II; and the USCGC Taney, a Coast Guard cutter that saw extensive service in World War II and Vietnam.

Together, these ships are representative of two distinct eras of navel technology. But each served as an answer to the needs of their time and situation. Collectively, they shared the common goal of protecting American interests at sea.

USS Constellation

I have had a fascination with tall ships since early childhood, so I was eager to tour the USS Constellation.The sloop-of-war is one of the few original all-wooden, all-sail ships remaining in the United States.

The USS Constellation, launched in 1855.